Let's use this particular page as a catch-all for links. Since we can cut/paste, we can edit and arrange, revise, etc. We'll try to keep it glossed . . .
Columbia University Press LGBTQ Peer Review Journals
links to a selective list of
peer-review specialized journals which focus entirely on
empirical/archival LGBTQ research.
http://harringtonparkpress.com/lgbtq-core-research-journals/ This linked page (supra) provides the following biblio/links --
There seems to be a gold-mine of resources here. Like a buffet, it's difficult choosing what to put on the plate first!
LGBTQ Peer Review Journals
Below are links to a selective list of
peer-review specialized journals which focus entirely on
empirical/archival LGBTQ research.
[Note: this is a reference service only.]
Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education
Columbia Journal of Gender & Law
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
Duke Journal here is where I found --
Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide
GLQ: A Journal of Gay & Lesbian Studies
IAMURE International Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies
(caution: this journal does not appear to have its own Editor, nor a clear subscription vs. OA model. Listed for reference only.)
InterAlia: a journal of queer studies (English/Polish Language)
International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies
International Journal of Transgenderism
Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten (Yearbook for the History of Homosexuality – annual thematic journal)
Journal of Bisexuality
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
Journal of GLBT Family Studies
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling
Journal of LGBT Youth
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of Lesbian Studies
Lambda Nordica
LBGT Health
LBGTQ Policy Journal [Harvard University]
Les Online: Digital Journal on Lesbian Issues
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking
Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture
SGP: Sexuality, Gender, and Policy Journal (Policy Studies Organization)
SQS: Journal of Queer Studies in Finland
Tulane Journal of Law & Sexuality: A Review of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Law [title varies]
Transgender Health [Open Access]
Transgender Studies Quarterly
Columbia Journal of Gender & Law
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
Duke Journal here is where I found --
Duke Law Monograph -- "Perceiving Orientation: Defining Sexuality After Obergefell
The Dukeminier Awards
Best Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law Review Articles of [Year]
A unique and creative OA digital reprint journal sponsored by The Williams Institute. The journal selects/reprints the best law review articles published in the previous year on sexual orientation and gender identity issues. It is accessible on an open access (free) basis.
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology ReviewBest Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law Review Articles of [Year]
A unique and creative OA digital reprint journal sponsored by The Williams Institute. The journal selects/reprints the best law review articles published in the previous year on sexual orientation and gender identity issues. It is accessible on an open access (free) basis.
Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide
GLQ: A Journal of Gay & Lesbian Studies
IAMURE International Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies
(caution: this journal does not appear to have its own Editor, nor a clear subscription vs. OA model. Listed for reference only.)
InterAlia: a journal of queer studies (English/Polish Language)
International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies
International Journal of Transgenderism
Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten (Yearbook for the History of Homosexuality – annual thematic journal)
Journal of Bisexuality
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
Journal of GLBT Family Studies
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling
Journal of LGBT Youth
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of Lesbian Studies
Lambda Nordica
LBGT Health
LBGTQ Policy Journal [Harvard University]
Les Online: Digital Journal on Lesbian Issues
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking
Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture
SGP: Sexuality, Gender, and Policy Journal (Policy Studies Organization)
SQS: Journal of Queer Studies in Finland
Tulane Journal of Law & Sexuality: A Review of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Law [title varies]
Transgender Health [Open Access]
Transgender Studies Quarterly
Duke University, Transgender Studies Quarterly
http://tsq.dukejournals.org/content/1/1-2/1.full -- Editorial purpose, scope, history